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Vaccination Dates

The school aged immunisation team will be visiting students in Year 9 to vaccinate them for DTP/Men ACWY on Wednesday the 29th of March 2023.

Then year 10 and 11 catch-ups for DTP/MEN ACWY will be on Thursday the 30th of March 2023.

On the day of the vaccinations students should ensure they have had breakfast in the morning, wear a short-sleeved shirt or vest underneath school shirt. Please also have a water bottle in school and any inhalers if asthmatic or epi pens if anaphylactic.

Parents/Carers – please contact the school aged immunisation team on 01539 718016 as soon as possible if anything has changed in regards to consent since signing the forms or if they have received the vaccine elsewhere.

For more information about vaccinations for teenagers, click here –