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Fundraising for Ukraine

The outbreak of the crisis in Ukraine provoked many questions from our pupils: ‘What does Russia want with Ukraine?’, ‘Will we go to war too?’, ‘What will happen to the people fleeing the country?’ But the question we heard most from pupils was ‘What can we do to help?’

Miss Blaney, Mrs Hall and Miss Zebryk helped to organise a cash collection from our school community.  They asked our staff and pupils, with their parents’ support, to contribute as much as they felt able to. Our finance department and helpers from the sixth form spent an afternoon counting the donations and the grand total raised was an outstanding £3000 to donate to the Disasters Emergency Committee’s Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. This money will be doubled by the UK government, and will help to provide food, shelter, water and medical assistance to those fleeing the conflict.

On behalf of UVHS, we want to say an enormous thank you to everyone in the school community for their incredible generosity.