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Golden Apple Awards - Student of the Year

You would think that holding an awards evening that’s based on education on a Thursday evening, in Workington, would leave you feeling tired when you arrive back in school first thing on Friday morning.

Well, Cody in 8.6 is on cloud 9 after being a finalist, and winning the prestigious Golden Apple Award in the category of Student of the Year.

Cody was nominated for his outstanding attitude to school, in particular during lockdown. Not only did he attend all of his online lessons, doing his best to adapt to a new way of teaching, he also continued to pursue his musical interests, picking up and learning new instruments, producing music videos, and joining in with local musical groups and bands. Cody supported his local community by carrying out a number of beach cleans, ensuring that during the dark days of lockdown, locals could enjoy a clean and tidy beach, a space which was, and remains so vital for both physical and mental health.

Cody is an exemplary student. He regularly puts others first, is considerate and hard working. It has been said before, but if the world had more Cody’s, our planet would be a much better place.

Mrs Hayton and Mr Hall (Head and Assistant Head of Year) are absolutely delighted for Cody who fully deserves this award and recognition. His speech at the awards ceremony was heartfelt, and the whole school community couldn’t be prouder.

Congratulations Cody!