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PE Challenge: HIIT & Keepy Up

Every week the PE department are going to be setting a challenge for all pupils (and parents) to have a go at while you are all having to stay home.

HIIT At Home!

HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training.

It is where you exercise at a “High Intensity”, so it is hard at times but you only exercise for a short period of time. Your Heart Rate goes up whilst you are working and then comes down whilst you rest.

You will be working for 20 seconds and then you have 10 seconds rest and do this 8 times. This makes 1 Tabata.

So = 20 seconds exercise—10 seconds rest-20 seconds exercise—10 seconds rest-20 seconds exercise—10 seconds rest-20 seconds exercise—10 seconds rest-20 seconds exercise—10 seconds rest-20 seconds exercise—10 seconds rest-20 seconds exercise—10 seconds rest FINISH ROUND 1.

You alternate the exercises, so 1st 20 seconds you do one exercise, the next 20 seconds you do another, then back to the first exercise.

These are the exercises, Mrs Hayton has demonstrated them on the video:

  • Tabata 1—Jumping Jacks (star jumps) and running on the spot as fast as you can.
  • Tabata 2—Lunges (left leg back, right leg back, keep alternating) and squats
  • Tabata 3—Burpees or a walkout and lateral lunges
  • Tabat 4—Box jumps (jump forward, jump left, jump back, jump right) and forwards and backwards upright jumps
  • Tabata 5 CORE—Plank and mountain climbers.

Make sure you warm up properly!

You need to time 20 seconds, if you have Spotify—search for TABATA SONGS and they are there set up for you.

Make sure you cool down—stretch properly and drink lots of water.

HIIT Video

Keepy Up