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GCSE results 2019

The staff of UVHS are delighted with this year’s GCSE results and the amazing achievements of our Year 11 cohort.

We are delighted that the school is again seeing a great set of GCSE results from our fantastic students here at UVHS.  Children across the ability range have made excellent progress with many examples of high achievement.  Today, our students are learning where their immense efforts over the last five years have got them and I would personally like to congratulate all of them as well as my dedicated staff (both teaching and support) and the parental body for their hard work. With all the pressures that youngsters now feel themselves under, the UVHS community has once again risen to the challenge.  There have been great achievements in many areas.

For example, the Science Department has recorded exceptional results across the entire cohort of Year 11s, with over two thirds of the 49 students taking triple award achieving grades between 7 and 9.  In Biology and Music the GCSE results are outstanding with 100% of students in both subjects achieving grades 9-4, and over 70% achieving a grade 9-7. Our three vocational BTEC Award courses, Health And Social Care, Engineering and Hospitality all achieved a 100% pass rate, with 93% of the Engineering course receiving between a Level 2 Pass and a Distinction*. 

At a time where uptake in foreign languages is decreasing nationally, far more of our children at UVHS than ever before are studying at least one language and, as a result, we are seeing our strongest ever performance in the governments EBACC measure.  In its first year of examination, Spanish saw over 42% of students achieve between a grade 7 and 9, but there was a very strong showing from the whole Languages Department.  UVHS now offers three languages and many students will go on to study languages with us at A Level, as UVHS is the only provider for three languages in the region.

Individual successes can be seen throughout the year group – notable achievements include:

Hattie 999999988 & short course 8
Robert 999999876
Harry 999999888 & short course 8
Oliver 999999 D* 76 & short course 9
Vicky 99999A*876 & short course 7
Carina 999998876
Sophie 999988888 & short course 7
Alex 999988876 & short course 6
Abbey 999988776 & short course 6
Hattie 999888888 & short course 8
Freya 998888887 & short course 8

Although we are obviously keen to express our delight at the high achievement of so many individuals, we must not forget that today is not just about examined success for the young people of our community, UVHS is a place where we endeavour to prepare each and every one of our pupils as much as possible for their future lives. Therefore, this is a celebration for students who have shone for all sorts of reasons – indeed, outside the classroom the majority of our students have continued to show unbelievable levels of drive and commitment in participating in the wide range of extra-curricular provision available at UVHS, with many going on to achieve phenomenally high standards in competitions and/or performances.  

The students who open their results today will go on to do great things, their success is due to their own hard work together with that of the dedicated staff at UVHS and the support of their parents and families.  Congratulations to everyone in Year 11, not only at UVHS but throughout the Furness Peninsula - we wish our young adults all the very best of luck in their chosen paths as they take their next steps.

Mr Hardwick – Headteacher