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Y7 German Trip - Day 3

Day 3 - On our last full day in Germany, we went to two German castles: Cochem Castle and Burg Eltz.

We visited Cochem first at around 10am. After a 20 minute walk up a very steep hill we had a guided tour around the castle, where we saw a wide variety of artistic culture varying from Gothic to Romanesque and Renaissance. On our tour we also encountered a mermaid chandelier with antlers which, if we touched it and made a wish it might come true. Only time will tell if it will! Further along we all stood on a balcony that overlooked lots of beautiful scenery. We also got a chocolate coin!

Later in the afternoon, after some lunch and shopping, we headed to Burg Eltz. It took us around 20 minutes to walk through a beautiful forest to get to the castle and everyone was very hot by the end of it! We went around the castle but unfortunately we weren't allowed to take any pictures in the rooms, but they were full of artefacts ranging from the early Medieval period to the 19th century.

In the evening we had a dinner of pork and risotto and it was delicious! We went back upstairs and packed before completing our trip journals for the evening. We went to sleep early because we had to get up very early the next day for our trip home! Today really was a brilliant day to end our trip with.

Oliver 7.3