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Red Nose Day

Friday 15th March is Red Nose day, and once again we are arranging a number of different events to help raise as much money for Comic Relief as possible.

The day will consist of:

  • A staff sweepstake - £2 entry with the winner getting £30, and £30 going to Comic Relief
  • UVHS do something funny for money – competition within year groups to see who can be the funniest. This can be telling a joke, a funny story, impressions, etc. Staff and students can enter. Entry sheets will be in blue registers soon, students need to return their entry slips along with 50p to Mr Hall by end of school next Wednesday 13th. If the student would like to enter but doesn't want to read their joke out, they still can, and someone will read the joke on their behalf.
  • Non-uniform day on Friday 15th – minimum £1 donation that can be paid via ParentPay
  • Selling Red Noses – students can order and pay for these via ParentPay