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Vive La France 2018!

At the end of this term we went to Normandy for our annual French language visit.  45 students from Y8 spent the week practising their French speaking skills with the help of ‘animateurs ‘  from Le Chateau de la  Baudonnière in the heart of the Normandy countryside. 

At the Chateau students took part in a variety of activities including climbing, fencing, archery, aeroball  and bread- making.  Students made some imaginative bread shapes and then were able to eat their creations at the evening meal.  All the activities were conducted in French which helped to extend students’ vocabulary and confidence.  We had an evening visit to Mont St Michel where students could practise their buying skills and appreciate the UNESCO protected site.  Students had the opportunity to find out more about the Second World War at the 360 degree cinema which gave a moving account of the sacrifices made by our ancestors during the liberation of France in 1944.  We also visited the D-Day Landing beaches at Arromanches and the American War Cemetry at Colleville- sur-mer.

Other highlights of the visit included a visit to an organic goat farm where some were lucky enough to hold and milk the goats.  Everyone enjoyed practising their speaking skills with the traders at the market In Villedieu-les-Poêles  and they were able to buy some interesting combinations for their picnic lunch.  Students also participated in the final talent show and a special mention must go to Hazel,  Harvey and Callum, for their outstanding individual performances.

This was another fantastic educational experience for our Year 8 students.  It was great to see the way they responded to new challenges and their thought and consideration for each other. We hope to offer a similar visit in 2019 to Year 8.



For a more extensive selection of photographs please see 1718 Photo Gallery